PTO Officers
President - Emma Sipes
Vice President - Haley Armstrong
Treasurer - TaRonda Williams
Secretary - Toni Kelley
**Find TES-PTO on Facebook!!**
What is PTO?
The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a self-governing organization. It is organized and operated by specific rules and regulations contained by a set a of bylaws.
Who can become a member of PTO?
Any parent/guardian/family of a Toone Elementary School student may become a member. No membership dues are paid.
What is the purpose of PTO?
The purpose of PTO is to promote a working relationship among parents, teachers, and administrators. The organization supports the school, enhances the learning experience for all children, and strengthens the community bond by promoting open communication. Members strive to bring the home, the school, and the child into a closer relationship, and thereby create a spirit of cooperation that will enhance the learning experience of all the students.
What does PTO do?
PTO conducts two meetings per semester to report the status of projects and vote on activities. PTO also plans and conducts fundraising activities.
Why do we have fundraisers, and where does the money go?
PTO raises funds to provide extra resources for our school community such as playground equipment, student technology, educational support materials for classrooms, and even student social events.
What can I do?
PTO programs and events are organized, funded, and run by the members. A variety of volunteer opportunities are available for anyone wishing to participate. Many events require manpower at tables, baking, or making phone calls. An individual may volunteer for as many or as few hours as he/she wishes. Feel free to contact any PTO officer with questions or how to find out what role you may play in your child's school.
Do I have to attend the meetings?
All parents, teachers, and staff are welcome and encouraged to attend, but attendance at meetings is not required. All meetings include a treasurer's report and updates on upcoming events and fundraisers. It's also a forum to discuss new issues and propose new ideas for continued school improvement. Individuals who are not available to attend meetings but would like to volunteer are encouraged to contact your child’s teacher, the school office or any PTO officer.
What are the benefits of PTO?
PTO gives parents an opportunity to be involved in their children's school. Research shows that when parents are involved in their children's education, the children are more likely to:
When and where are meetings held?
The meetings are held in the school cafeteria. Find out dates and times by watching for notes sent home, checking social media and the school calendar on this website.